The Very Rev. Dale Custer,
I begin each day with a moment of gratitude for the day that is to come, asking for an awareness of God’s presence, and for the grace to be a vessel of Christ’s love and care for those I meet. I hope to assist others in experiencing their identity as children, in and through Jesus Christ, of an incredible God.
I feel God has called me to one-on-one and one-on-small group ministries, especially around spiritual formation. Areas of interest include Celtic Christianity, the Contemplative Life, the Lives of the Church Mothers and Fathers, and the Mystics. I enjoy teaching on, leading, and participating in pilgrimages.
As an outdoor enthusiast, hiking, biking, camping and gardening are sources of relaxation and bring me much delight. If the weather does not encourage being outside, I can be found reading a book with a cat at my side.
Married to Doris for 16 years, we have two grown children and one grandchild and share a home with two cats. We enjoy travel, farmers’ markets, and listening to live local music.
Laura Benson,
Parish Secretary
The parish secretary is tasked with producing the bulletins for Sunday services and for any other ancillary church services scheduled. The secretary is also in charge of maintaining the Safe Church records and provides general office assistance as needed.
Contact: secretary@stlukespowhatan.org
According to the Episcopal Church Foundation, vestry members are legal representatives and agents of a parish, charged with specific responsibilities by the canons of The Episcopal Church. They share leadership responsibilities with the rector. As legal representative and agent, the vestry functions much like the board of any nonprofit, with responsibility for finances and management of property and human resources.
Walter Cart, Sr. Warden/Administrator
Barbara Jehu, Outreach
Sheila Bailey, Fellowship
Jack Speed, Finance
Thom Estes, Christian Formation
Dan Jones, Jr. Warden
Vestry Minutes available upon request.