Learn & Grow

St. Luke’s offers opportunities for all ages to enrich their spiritual life. Our programs and classes are designed to encourage the understanding and practice of our Christian faith. Christian Formation plays an important role in our lives as believers in Christ. This lifelong process allows us to discover ourselves as God’s children and to carry out His ministries.

Please join us, all are welcome!

Questions about any of the offerings mentioned on this website may be directed

to the Church Office (804-794-6953) or ​secretary@stlukespowhatan.org.

 Adult Forum - Sundays at 9:10 am in the Parish House.

Meeting in the Parish Hall, 9:10am-10:00am, St. Luke’s continues with a reflective and prayerful study of the Old Testament. With Marcus Borg’s title, Reading the Bible Again for the First Time in mind, the Old Testament is being read with a fresh set of eyes and renewed appreciation for the richness of the writing of the Hebrew Scriptures. Grab a cup of coffee and join in the conversation. Adult Forum will return on August 11th with a study of the exodus and the Prophets. (Please note, Adult Forum will not meet on September 29 and October 27.)

Centering Prayer - Wednesdays at 1:30 pm in the Parish House

The following prayer from the Iona Community lends itself to beginning a time of contemplative prayer. 

     In a world vibrating with action, we have come here to be still. In a world of tight schedules and   deadlines, we have come to absorb the present. In a world of limits and frustrations, we have come to the brink of eternity. At the still point of our churning world we wait to meet the unchanging God and know God’s peace. 

This prayer captures the intent and method of Centering Prayer. Ours is a world filled with clatter, turmoil, and discord. Centering Prayer encourages us to cultivate silence and stillness. Wednesdays,1:30 pm – 2:00 pm, we are invited to come together in the Parish House for a time of quiet and calm. If you are interested in learning more about Centering Prayer, please speak with Dale+.


Opportunities for Prayer and Reflection on Facebook

Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, Noonday Prayer is provided on St. Luke’s Facebook page at 11:45 am. The Noonday Office is a wonderful gift from the Church. It provides a pause in the middle of the day to be reminded of being in God’s presence. It invites us to take a few minutes and reflect on God’s love and care. It encourages the renewal of our intention of giving the day to God. The videos are available for viewing later in the day if schedules do not allow for participation at 11:45 am.

More Adult Ministries



Cursillo is a 3 ½ day retreat held at our Diocesan Conference Center in Surry, VA. Cursillo is a Spanish word meaning “short course”; it is a short course in Christianity and has been a spiritually enriching experience for many. In addition to developing tools for enriching their spiritual journey and their engagement in ministry, participants discover new friendships and a vibrant and supportive faith community. Learn more at www.cursillodiosova.org.


Education for Ministry (EfM)

Every baptized person is called to ministry. The EfM program provides people with the education to carry out that ministry. EfM offers an opportunity to discover how to respond to the call to Christian service.

St. Luke's hosts an EfM group in conjunction with Manakin Episcopal Church.


Lectionary Gospel Study

Lectionary Gospel Study is for members of the church who gather by Zoom on Thursdays at 7 AM to pray, read and reflect on the Gospel appointed for the coming Sunday.